CNTL_9550_Play_Start.txt Bounds: x1=193, y1=6, x2=225, y2=32 Value: 1108 Visible: true Max: 0 Min: 0 ProcID: 576 RefCon: 2 Title: 'Play Demo' CNTL_315_Make block.txt Bounds: x1=430, y1=0, x2=462, y2=26 Value: 1248 Visible: false Max: 0 Min: 0 ProcID: 576 RefCon: 15 Title: 'Make a new block' CNTL_314_Set out.txt Bounds: x1=397, y1=0, x2=429, y2=26 Value: 1244 Visible: false Max: 0 Min: 0 ProcID: 576 RefCon: 14 Title: 'Set edit end' CNTL_313_Set in.txt Bounds: x1=364, y1=0, x2=396, y2=26 Value: 1240 Visible: false Max: 0 Min: 0 ProcID: 576 RefCon: 13 Title: 'Set edit start' CNTL_312_zoom.txt Bounds: x1=331, y1=0, x2=363, y2=26 Value: 1236 Visible: false Max: 0 Min: 0 ProcID: 576 RefCon: 12 Title: 'Zoom in' CNTL_311_zoom.txt Bounds: x1=298, y1=0, x2=330, y2=26 Value: 1232 Visible: false Max: 0 Min: 0 ProcID: 576 RefCon: 11 Title: 'Zoom out' CNTL_310_spacer.txt Bounds: x1=276, y1=0, x2=297, y2=26 Value: 1128 Visible: false Max: 0 Min: 0 ProcID: 576 RefCon: 10 Title: '' CNTL_309_ff.txt Bounds: x1=243, y1=0, x2=275, y2=26 Value: 1116 Visible: false Max: 0 Min: 0 ProcID: 576 RefCon: 9 Title: 'Fast Forward' CNTL_308_rr.txt Bounds: x1=210, y1=0, x2=242, y2=26 Value: 1112 Visible: false Max: 0 Min: 0 ProcID: 576 RefCon: 8 Title: 'Rewind' CNTL_307_play.txt Bounds: x1=177, y1=0, x2=209, y2=26 Value: 1108 Visible: true Max: 0 Min: 0 ProcID: 576 RefCon: 7 Title: 'Play' CNTL_306_Stop.txt Bounds: x1=144, y1=0, x2=176, y2=26 Value: 1100 Visible: true Max: 0 Min: 0 ProcID: 576 RefCon: 6 Title: 'Stop' CNTL_305_spacer.txt Bounds: x1=122, y1=0, x2=143, y2=26 Value: 1128 Visible: true Max: 0 Min: 0 ProcID: 576 RefCon: 5 Title: '' CNTL_304_more.txt Bounds: x1=89, y1=0, x2=121, y2=26 Value: 1208 Visible: true Max: 0 Min: 0 ProcID: 576 RefCon: 4 Title: 'More Detail' CNTL_303_Less Detail.txt Bounds: x1=55, y1=0, x2=88, y2=26 Value: 1204 Visible: true Max: 0 Min: 0 ProcID: 576 RefCon: 3 Title: 'Less Detail' CNTL_302_spacer.txt Bounds: x1=33, y1=0, x2=54, y2=26 Value: 1128 Visible: true Max: 0 Min: 0 ProcID: 576 RefCon: 2 Title: '' CNTL_301_Editor on_off.txt Bounds: x1=0, y1=0, x2=32, y2=26 Value: 1200 Visible: true Max: 0 Min: 0 ProcID: 576 RefCon: 1 Title: 'Show/Hide Block Clipper' CNTL_218_long smooth.txt Bounds: x1=528, y1=0, x2=560, y2=26 Value: 1160 Visible: true Max: 0 Min: 0 ProcID: 576 RefCon: 18 Title: 'Add long smooth' CNTL_217_short smooth.txt Bounds: x1=495, y1=0, x2=527, y2=26 Value: 1156 Visible: true Max: 0 Min: 0 ProcID: 576 RefCon: 17 Title: 'Add short smooth' CNTL_216_spacer.txt Bounds: x1=473, y1=0, x2=494, y2=26 Value: 1128 Visible: true Max: 0 Min: 0 ProcID: 576 RefCon: 16 Title: '' CNTL_215_Quick Ending.txt Bounds: x1=440, y1=0, x2=472, y2=26 Value: 1152 Visible: true Max: 0 Min: 0 ProcID: 576 RefCon: 15 Title: 'Quick Ending' CNTL_214_smart end.txt Bounds: x1=407, y1=0, x2=439, y2=26 Value: 1148 Visible: true Max: 0 Min: 0 ProcID: 576 RefCon: 14 Title: 'Smart End' CNTL_213_remove.txt Bounds: x1=374, y1=0, x2=406, y2=26 Value: 1144 Visible: true Max: 0 Min: 0 ProcID: 576 RefCon: 13 Title: 'Remove a block' CNTL_212_Add.txt Bounds: x1=341, y1=0, x2=373, y2=26 Value: 1140 Visible: true Max: 0 Min: 0 ProcID: 576 RefCon: 12 Title: 'Add a block' CNTL_211_spacer.txt Bounds: x1=319, y1=0, x2=340, y2=26 Value: 1128 Visible: true Max: 0 Min: 0 ProcID: 576 RefCon: 11 Title: '' CNTL_210_zoom in.txt Bounds: x1=286, y1=0, x2=318, y2=26 Value: 1136 Visible: true Max: 0 Min: 0 ProcID: 576 RefCon: 10 Title: 'Zoom In' CNTL_209_zoom out.txt Bounds: x1=253, y1=0, x2=285, y2=26 Value: 1132 Visible: true Max: 0 Min: 0 ProcID: 576 RefCon: 9 Title: 'Zoom Out' CNTL_208_spacer.txt Bounds: x1=231, y1=0, x2=252, y2=26 Value: 1128 Visible: true Max: 0 Min: 0 ProcID: 576 RefCon: 8 Title: '' CNTL_207_FS.txt Bounds: x1=198, y1=0, x2=230, y2=26 Value: 1124 Visible: true Max: 0 Min: 0 ProcID: 576 RefCon: 7 Title: 'Skip forward one block' CNTL_206_BS.txt Bounds: x1=165, y1=0, x2=197, y2=26 Value: 1120 Visible: true Max: 0 Min: 0 ProcID: 576 RefCon: 6 Title: 'Skip back one block' CNTL_205_FF.txt Bounds: x1=132, y1=0, x2=164, y2=26 Value: 1116 Visible: true Max: 0 Min: 0 ProcID: 576 RefCon: 5 Title: 'Fast Forward' CNTL_204_RR.txt Bounds: x1=99, y1=0, x2=131, y2=26 Value: 1112 Visible: true Max: 0 Min: 0 ProcID: 576 RefCon: 4 Title: 'Rewind' CNTL_203_Play_Pause.txt Bounds: x1=66, y1=0, x2=98, y2=26 Value: 1108 Visible: true Max: 0 Min: 0 ProcID: 576 RefCon: 3 Title: 'Play from current position' CNTL_202_Play_Start.txt Bounds: x1=33, y1=0, x2=65, y2=26 Value: 1104 Visible: true Max: 0 Min: 0 ProcID: 576 RefCon: 2 Title: 'Play from start' CNTL_201_Stop.txt Bounds: x1=0, y1=0, x2=32, y2=26 Value: 1100 Visible: true Max: 0 Min: 0 ProcID: 576 RefCon: 1 Title: 'Stop' CNTL_199_Brows Grp.txt Bounds: x1=33, y1=198, x2=165, y2=214 Value: 0 Visible: true Max: 100 Min: 0 ProcID: 17608 RefCon: 0 Title: '' CNTL_191_Divider.txt Bounds: x1=8, y1=85, x2=360, y2=86 Value: 0 Visible: true Max: 190 Min: 0 ProcID: 1614 RefCon: 0 Title: '' CNTL_190_Divider.txt Bounds: x1=5, y1=300, x2=368, y2=301 Value: 0 Visible: true Max: 37 Min: 0 ProcID: 1614 RefCon: 0 Title: '' CNTL_184_Temp Popup.txt Bounds: x1=34, y1=177, x2=301, y2=196 Value: 255 Visible: true Max: 650 Min: 201 ProcID: 1631 RefCon: 0 Title: 'Temporary Storage:' CNTL_182_Block popup2.txt Bounds: x1=51, y1=85, x2=177, y2=104 Value: 255 Visible: true Max: 512 Min: 311 ProcID: 1631 RefCon: 0 Title: '' CNTL_181_Block Popup.txt Bounds: x1=51, y1=85, x2=177, y2=104 Value: 255 Visible: true Max: 512 Min: 310 ProcID: 1631 RefCon: 0 Title: '' CNTL_180_File Type Pop-up.txt Bounds: x1=115, y1=135, x2=230, y2=154 Value: 255 Visible: true Max: 0 Min: 300 ProcID: 1625 RefCon: 0 Title: '' CNTL_151_How much slider.txt Bounds: x1=84, y1=36, x2=205, y2=51 Value: 0 Visible: true Max: 100 Min: 0 ProcID: 17769 RefCon: 0 Title: 'how much' CNTL_150_Smooth slider.txt Bounds: x1=84, y1=36, x2=205, y2=51 Value: 0 Visible: true Max: 100 Min: 0 ProcID: 17769 RefCon: 0 Title: 'Smooth' CNTL_144_FF.txt Bounds: x1=259, y1=6, x2=291, y2=32 Value: 1116 Visible: true Max: 0 Min: 0 ProcID: 576 RefCon: 5 Title: 'Fast Forward' CNTL_143_RR.txt Bounds: x1=226, y1=6, x2=258, y2=32 Value: 1112 Visible: true Max: 0 Min: 0 ProcID: 576 RefCon: 4 Title: 'Rewind' CNTL_142_Play_Pause.txt Bounds: x1=193, y1=6, x2=225, y2=32 Value: 1108 Visible: true Max: 0 Min: 0 ProcID: 576 RefCon: 3 Title: 'Play from current position' CNTL_141_Play_Start.txt Bounds: x1=160, y1=6, x2=192, y2=32 Value: 1104 Visible: true Max: 0 Min: 0 ProcID: 576 RefCon: 2 Title: 'Play from start' CNTL_140_Stop.txt Bounds: x1=127, y1=6, x2=159, y2=32 Value: 1100 Visible: true Max: 0 Min: 0 ProcID: 576 RefCon: 1 Title: 'Stop' CNTL_139_Name.txt Bounds: x1=12, y1=151, x2=119, y2=189 Value: 1012 Visible: true Max: 0 Min: 0 ProcID: 576 RefCon: 19 Title: 'Click to change Name of the current soundtrack' CNTL_138_Version.txt Bounds: x1=46, y1=253, x2=153, y2=291 Value: 1008 Visible: true Max: 0 Min: 0 ProcID: 576 RefCon: 18 Title: 'Click to change Version' CNTL_137_Selection.txt Bounds: x1=34, y1=219, x2=141, y2=257 Value: 1004 Visible: true Max: 0 Min: 0 ProcID: 576 RefCon: 17 Title: 'Click to change Selection' CNTL_136_Length.txt Bounds: x1=23, y1=185, x2=130, y2=223 Value: 1000 Visible: true Max: 0 Min: 0 ProcID: 576 RefCon: 16 Title: 'Click to change Length' CNTL_135_Remove.txt Bounds: x1=155, y1=73, x2=180, y2=93 Value: 1032 Visible: true Max: 0 Min: 0 ProcID: 576 RefCon: 15 Title: 'Remove current soundtrack' CNTL_134_Marked pop-up.txt Bounds: x1=182, y1=73, x2=344, y2=93 Value: 255 Visible: true Max: 512 Min: 260 ProcID: 1627 RefCon: 14 Title: 'This menu lists all of your soundtracks' CNTL_133_Progress.txt Bounds: x1=299, y1=11, x2=457, y2=25 Value: 0 Visible: true Max: 500 Min: 0 ProcID: 1728 RefCon: 13 Title: 'Playback bar' CNTL_132_Export.txt Bounds: x1=382, y1=182, x2=465, y2=240 Value: 1024 Visible: true Max: 0 Min: 0 ProcID: 576 RefCon: 12 Title: 'Export soundtrack to a sound file' CNTL_131_Edit.txt Bounds: x1=382, y1=122, x2=465, y2=180 Value: 1020 Visible: true Max: 0 Min: 0 ProcID: 576 RefCon: 11 Title: 'Take the current soundtrack to the Sequence Editor' CNTL_130_Interview.txt Bounds: x1=382, y1=63, x2=465, y2=121 Value: 1016 Visible: true Max: 0 Min: 0 ProcID: 576 RefCon: 10 Title: 'Start a new Maestro' CNTL_129_dummy filler not needed.txt Bounds: x1=48, y1=175, x2=208, y2=195 Value: 0 Visible: true Max: 0 Min: 0 ProcID: 0 RefCon: 12 Title: 'To Editor' CNTL_128_Vertical Scroll Bar.txt Bounds: x1=0, y1=0, x2=0, y2=0 Value: 0 Visible: false Max: 0 Min: 0 ProcID: 16 RefCon: 0 Title: ''